There is nothing dearer to our hearts than the tale of the selfless hero who tragically lays down his life for the lives of others in order to rescue them from certain doom.
That story is deeply personal — it resonates with us. And mankind keeps telling that same story over and over again throughout all of human history in books and movies because it’s the story we’re living in. God chose to write himself into our story and to intervene on our behalf. Jesus Christ came to be judged in our place for our sins against a holy and just God and to redeem what we lost.
We owe our lives, our freedom, and our eternal security to our Lord, Jesus. He is our Savior and our King.
The message of our church in Irmo is the message of the gospel - the good news that Jesus Christ came and lived a perfectly sinless life in complete obedience to the Father and yet died in the place of sinners like us. And that by faith in him, our sins have been dealt with forever by his sacrifice and his righteousness is ours.
King's Church is devoted to being a place where people can EXPERIENCE GOD through private, family, and corporate worship, FIND COMMUNITY and friendship with other believers united to one another in Christ through faith, and to LIVE ON PURPOSE for the glory of God and the good of mankind.
King’s Church seeks to make and equip mature disciples of Christ for the glory of God and the good of mankind.
Whether you have fond memories of growing up in a church, have never set foot in one, or have such a bad taste in your mouth from your experience with a church you vowed to never come back, our doors are open to you and we welcome you to explore this life-giving message of the gospel and what the Christian life should be like. Regardless of who you are or what you believe (or don’t believe), all are welcome.
Planted beginning in 2016 and officially established as an Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in Columbia in 2022, King’s Church is a relatively new church in Irmo but there is nothing new about what it teaches. King’s Church desires to connect people to “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints,” (Jude 3). The beliefs and practices of King’s Church span throughout the history of the universal church as expressed in the ecumenical creeds (e.g. The Apostles’ Creed).
We are committed to the theological heritage of the Protestant Reformation as a member of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARP), one of the oldest denominations in America. Both the ARP denomination and King's Church are grounded in the historic Reformation theology of the Westminster Confession of Faith.
Sunday Service Meeting Place
Ben Lippen School Chapel (St. Andrews Campus)
500 St. Andrews Road
Columbia, SC 29210
Mailing Address & Future Building Site
1686 Lake Murray Blvd.
Columbia, SC 29212
Join us this Sunday. Come as you are. To get an idea of what to expect on your first visit, CLICK HERE.